Welcome to Punch Prep, the ideal class for beginners and experienced boxers looking to refine their fundamentals. Focus on proper stance, footwork, and basic punches while building strength and coordination. You'll practice building great basics and creating combinations to get ready for pad work in a supportive environment.
We recommend attending this class prior to our Beginner Boxing or alongside it!
If you’re looking to start your journey right, right some bad habits or improve technically, this class is for you. Expect shadow boxing, Footwork & punching drills & mechanical bag drills.
This class is suitable if you are brand new to boxing & for those looking to fine tune! We will always meet you where you’re at in terms of ability, while making sure you’re being challenged in a way that is safe and doable.
We kindly ask that first timers and folks who need help wrapping their hands arrive 15 min early.